Glo 0.00k Free Browsing Is Now Working On Latest Tweakware V3.2.apk - Guruscabinet : Full of Gist

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Saturday, 30 July 2016

Glo 0.00k Free Browsing Is Now Working On Latest Tweakware V3.2.apk

Good afternoon guys,i want to still remind u that the glo free browsing is still working with the latest 3.2 tweakware although the castsport team bave not change it to 3.2 but 3.0.
Meanwhile, this post is meant for those that are not been able to flex and enjoy this cheat with Psiphon. So cool down and follow the steps i will show you here which is currently working for me.

=> Latest Tweakware VPN. Download Tweakware v3.2 apk android app Here
=> Very good and stable 3G network 
=> A glo SIM with 0.0kb balance 
=> Your Android deviceSometimes the reason why yours is not connecting is because you haven't enabled browsing via pay as you go service. To Activate glo PAYU, sms PAYU to 127 and you will get a reply that you are now using data as Pay As U Go to browse.

Having done that, you need to configure your Glo APN like below 

APN NAME: gloflat 
APN: gloflat 
Port: 8080 
Username and password: gloflat
(Or use the default Glo APN settings)=> Launch the app and use the following settings

=> Go to Settings 

=> Bundle Settings 

=> Select Bundle Settings, then tap on NG GLO 0.0.=> Now return to the app homepage and select Free Server (if you don't have premium account) 

Finally, hit the connect button and it should connect within few seconds. However, if you select premium servers while you don't have premium account, you might get "invalid username and password" as response so you need to get the premium account to enjoy it Unlimited BUT if you don't have money for that, don't worry as i have already made a post on how to bypass tweakware daily 200mb limit. I advise you to go through that post if you are not yet familiar with it.
Hope you will enjoy it. Thanks

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