25 Blogging Mistakes Every New Blogger Makes Online - Guruscabinet : Full of Gist

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Wednesday 31 August 2016

25 Blogging Mistakes Every New Blogger Makes Online

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In life when people are faced with similar circumstances the majority of them will make similar decisions. So why can’t this law apply to blogging? I have found that new bloggers regardless of technical expertise begin with an almost identical perspective to the blogging world. They all tend to share ideas about what blogging is what their expectations are from blogging. This is why it’s possible to make a post like this. We can assume the majority of bloggers make the same mistakes when that start out (I made the same ones when I started) we can guess what mistakes new bloggers will make when they start blogging. So being the nice guy that I am I thought I’d help all of you newcomers out and share a list of common mistakes almost ALL new bloggers end up making. I’m sure there are unique situations or circumstances, but for the most part if you can cover these 25 points you will be ahead of the pack and have a bright future of blogging in front of you 🙂

25 Blogging Mistakes You Can Grow & Learn From:
1. Blogging without passion
Many new bloggers start blogging for the wrong reasons. Unless you have passion for your chosen topic you will never be able to capitalize and make your blog successful.
2. Sacrificing content over design
A lot of bloggers spend countless hours making their blog look pretty but don’t give even half of that time to writing content. This vital mistake is what stops them from becoming successful. Good content is always king.
3. Not targeting a certain market
Without a target market in mind your blog can never have a true vision and it will always come across as vague.
4. Blogging only for money
All of the people who start blogs while dreaming of riches never succeed. Blogging is something that takes passion especially when it gets tough.
5. Plagiarizing and copying others works
You can find thousands of blogs on the internet that plagiarize and steal posts from other blogs and pose them as their own. These bottom feeders never succeed because search engine logarithms have become so advanced that they can easily latch them out.
6. Not having a search box and sitemap
A search box and a sitemap are two things which are very fundamental for your visitors to navigate through blog or website.
7. Expecting fast results
Any blogger who thinks that they will get fast results is either uninformed or is lying to themselves. Blogging is step by step process that takes many years to flower. It can take up to 2 months for you to simply get listed on Google.
8. Not making goals
Blogging without having a defined goal in mind is like shooting an arrow without having a target; It’s useless and a waste of time. For every blogger goal making is something that should be happening all the time.
9. Having a Bad layout
Your blog shouldn’t be a maze to navigate through. It should be designed in a way that is easy for the user and in way in which it properly displays your content.
10. Having unreadable font
I have seen many new blogs that seem so focused on color scheme and design that they ignore the fact that there fonts are unreadable. People come to blogs to gain information, if they can’t read your blog then there’s no point of it even being there.
11. Writing about a topic unfamiliar to you
A lot of new bloggers have this problem. They are new to the field and don’t have expertise when it comes to particular topics; this is perfectly fine. What the issue is, is that when these bloggers write about these topics they come across as fake because they are using other peoples content and knowledge as a starting point.
12. Using too many ads on one page
The first time I learnt about AdSense I filled my entire blog top to bottom with ads. It wasn’t until I received a complaint that I took notice and found that too many ads are not just bad to users but for S.E.O as well.
13. Not promoting your blog
Some new bloggers make the key mistake of just relying on search engines and nothing else. This is sometimes the reason for their failure. The more you promote your blog the more back links you earn and therefore the higher you will rank.
14. Picking a bad domain name
Your domain name is what defines and labels your blog. So if you choose a bad one you’re stuck with it forever.
15. Having poor hosting
Many new bloggers either don’t do enough research or cheap out when purchasing their web hosting. This mistake haunts them down the road especially when they get more traffic and their site begins to slow down. So find a good professional web host like Blue Host that will scale as you grow and give 5 star service.
16. Expecting returns without hard work
The reason why a lot bloggers give up is because they begin expecting returns without a lot of hard work and effort. They set themselves for failure.
17. Not optimizing whatsoever for search engines
Many new blogger tend to set a blind eye to S.E.O for reasons beyond my understanding. Maybe it’s the learning curve or just the sheer size of the task but whatever the reason, you must get over it and give S.E.O a big chunk of your attention.
18. Allowing spam comments
Spam comments don’t just ruin the reputation of your blog they look really bad. You should try to implement some sort of a spam blocker like Akismet or Capthcha.
19. Forgetting to involve readers
New blogger don’t generally receive a lot feedback or comments and this is one of the reasons why new bloggers sometimes turn a blind eye to this part of blogging. Your readers are what keep your blog going and the best thing you can do for yourself is to keep them involved and satisfied.
20. Sacrificing quality for quantity
A lot of bloggers come along the statement “Content is King” and begin to pump out a lot of low level content. Unfortunately all that effort generally goes to waste because search engines don’t rank these low quality posts compared to better higher quality ones. So never sacrifice quality for quantity and always keep in mind that one good solid post is a lot better than a bunch of low quality ones.
21. Not guest posting
Most new bloggers don’t understand the value and importance of guest posts. Guest posts don’t just bring you a boost in traffic but they provide you with a valuable back link to your blog.
22. Not Being Personal in there Writing
This is one mistake that is found almost universally in all brand new bloggers. They write like they’re writing a news report or an article. They never get personal and make a connection with the reader. This is one thing that can only develop over time so you should start write away.
23. Having spelling and grammar mistakes
Spelling and grammar is important to any blog as it firstly has a huge effect on your users and secondly it affects your on page S.E.O.
24. Always trying to sell something
Many new bloggers get caught up in the whole making money hype long before they have any credibility or authority in their field. This in turn makes them across as scams and destroys their blog before any real money can be made.
25. Not having a newsletter subscription
A newsletter is a very strong tool to keep users engaged after the have left your blog. Most blogs implement this quite late but it should be one of the very first things you do. If you haven’t already started emailing list, I highly recommend Aweber. They have awesome service and make it really easy for beginners. If you have any other suggestions or tips please leave them in the comments and help your fellow bloggers out. Best of Luck!

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