Revealed: 6 mind-blowing reasons why women throw themselves at men - Guruscabinet : Full of Gist

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Sunday 11 September 2016

Revealed: 6 mind-blowing reasons why women throw themselves at men

.... Women have been throwing themselves at men since time immemorial; this has nothing to do with technological advancement. Our ancestors had their way of manipulating men.

It is interesting to note that the older folks in the society are quick to judge and blame the actions of the younger women in the society on the things happening in the world.

While they had their own ways of doing things back then, the young women of this generation are starting to take a bolder approach. They do not care if people around know or understand the game they are playing in as much as they get results.

The only thing that sets women from the older generation apart from the women in town now is their approach and lack of sophistication. The modern day woman knows the right buttons to click in order to make a man look in her direction.

Her sophistication will always speak for her as she could control men with her looks and body. There are many women in the society who offer their bodies to men; we will be looking into some of the reasons why they do in this post.

This issue is relevant because the society always has something to say when it comes to discussing women like that. They either condemn them for being too forward or acting the non-African way. This will make you ponder on this question: ‘What exactly does Africa expect of women?‘

Find below some of the mind-blowing reasons why women throw themselves at men:

1. Love of money
reasons why women throw themselves at men

It is no longer news that women value money a lot and would consider the financial stability of a man before they agree to date him. Money rules the world now as women are not ready to stay with men who cannot provide for them.

As far as we are concerned, this is the basic thing force that makes a woman throw herself at a man. It does not matter whether the man is older, younger, ugly or fat. So far he has the money and can spend, that is a check.

2. Connection
reasons why women throw themselves at men

As soon as women hear how connected a man is, their ears start to twitch. They will throw themselves at the men in order to work their ways into that family setting.

Once a woman is aware of the social standing of a man and what his net worth is, her attitude towards him changes. She will bring herself to him and make him notice her at all cost. Do not blame them at all, they are trying hard to place themselves in good homes.

3. Fame
reasons why women throw themselves at men

For so many reasons, women will always find celebrities endearing. They want to be with them every time; they appreciate it when their names are being mentioned in connection to their names.

That is one of the reasons why a woman will want the world to know she is the one sleeping with a particular celebrity even though they are not married. Where does that put the commandment about fornication and adultery?

4. Handsomeness and well-built physique
reasons women throw themselves at men

Women will always find men with taut, fine and sexy bodies attractive. They will always trip for men who are handsome and fashionable. Some women cannot help falling hard for these men; they do not care whether they have money or not as they will always look after their needs.

This is the part where cougars come in. Older women cannot take their eyes off these men; thus, they will find ways of seducing them and spoiling them silly with money.

5. Oil company worker
Beautiful happy black woman smiling

If you do not want to attract the wrong set of women as a man, then it will be better for you to live a coded life. The moment women know you work with an oil and gas company or any other reputable firm or industry, they will never let you be. Men with good paying jobs take care of their families well; every woman wants to be with a man who will take care of her.

6. Men who live abroad have prospects
reasons women throw themselves at men

This is another reason women throw themselves at men. Men who are not based in the country are seen as potential suitors who can change their lives. They are presumed to be their tickets out of the country. If a woman settles down with a man who does not live in the country, she will join him in the foreign country sooner or later.


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