10 Coworker Crush Types - Guruscabinet : Full of Gist

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Wednesday 15 February 2017

10 Coworker Crush Types

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Do you also think that office romances are a huge no-no? The reality differs from the expectations. Crushing someone at work is actually fine and almost inevitable because it adds a zest to your boring office routine. There are several co-worker crushes men usually experience at work. We’re sure you’ve had at least one of them. Continue reading and check them out.
New Girl
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This cutie is like a breath of fresh air in your boring office life. You want to see the new hire again and again, you want to talk to her, your thoughts are only about her. She’s like a hope for the best, but… But once you’ve gotten to know her better, your crush will weaken and she’ll become just one of your co-workers.
Tea Girl
Your desks are in different rooms, and you only see each other in the kitchen. You’re trying to figure out time when she makes tea, or coffee, or whatever, to meet her there. Once you’re together in the same place, you start bubbling about weather or something stupid like this. This crush type is similar to the new girl. Your attraction will disappear with time.
High school and office have so much in common. Just think about your school crush. You were dreaming about her, and you stumbled over your words each time you saw her. But she didn’t want to be with you or maybe didn’t even notice you. Now think about your coworker crush. Is she making you weak at the knees in a similar way? Is she neglecting all your efforts to go out for dinner together? You will probably lose this game again. You need to finally stop trying.
Maid Crush
She might be a maid or a vending machine person. She is always on the go and knows nothing about your boring office routine. You’re lucky to see her briefly and talk about some fresh news from the other world. This crush represents freedom. People in such “maid” positions tend to often change. So, your crush won’t last long.
Positive Girl
She’s positive, always in a good mood, and never stops smiling. Even if you don’t know her well, it’s always a pleasure to see her smile. It’s nice to spend time with a person like that, especially if she’s charming and you have a lot in common, or at least several topics to talk about. One day your office flirt may turn into something bigger. So, if you are single, take a better look at her.
After Night Out Crush
Last week you had a night out with your co-workers and you’ve fallen in love with one of them? Let us guess, you’ve probably changed your mind about her after the night and now you’re looking at her from a new perspective, right? She appeared to be so hot, so cool, so crazy. We’re 90% sure that alcohol spoke for her. Your attraction will disappear soon.
Office Wife
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You help each other, you often need her advice or approval, you go for lunches and coffee breaks, you laugh and spend a lot of time together. The whole office is buzzing about your romance and it’s so annoying. From time to time you pretend you don’t know each other so that your co-workers stop thinking about you as a couple. If you’re married, your real wife is probably jealous when your co-worker’s name comes up. If you’re single, your work wife may turn into a real one.
Desperate Plan
We all seek for love, that’s why everybody needs a “plan B.” In real life, you’d never take a look at this girl, but at work when you spend a lot of time together, you question yourself “Am I wrong? Sometimes she seems pretty cool.” At some moments of boredom, you start flirting with her. Think twice. Do you really want something bigger?
Power Woman
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She is always stylish and good-looking in a business suit. You are dreaming about her just like about a bad teacher you’ve never had. She is so powerful and independent. This lady makes you feel weak. In a while, your crush will vanish. Or it will immediately disappear if you accidentally see her in sweatpants.
Flirt Crush
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Even if you’re in a home relationship, the chemistry between you and your crush is high and obvious. You’re flirting all the time. All of your co-workers are sure you’re sleeping together. This game is so hot and dangerous. Usually, this type of co-worker crushes ends badly. Don’t overdo.

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