The two ingredients which starts all success and riches. - Guruscabinet : Full of Gist

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Sunday 12 March 2017

The two ingredients which starts all success and riches.

.... The two ingredients which starts all success and riches.

There are two ingredients which starts all success and riches. Today, I want to share the two things easily neglected, yet powerful. It is neglected because of how “Negligible” it may seem, yet it cannot be ignored. When any successful and made person is asked, they mostly state that their success begins from it, some who do not mention it categorically, implies it in their statement and if we read in between the lines, we would observe the salient fact.
What is this fact that must not be neglected in the cause of our journey through success, what is this we must first possess to make whatever we anticipate come to pass?
You will agree with me that nothing high and lofty, nothing admirable and beautiful, nothing worth our time, energy and emotion is ever achieved without us first having a strong Burning Desire for it.
Yes, I just spilled it and it’s not by mistake, Desire is the starting point of everything worth our time. Desire is that small thing inside of us that propels us to start anything worth being called an achievement. You must have a burning desire for success .
Burning desire Napoleon Hill Quotes
Your burning desire for success must overcome your fear for failure. In order to succeed your desire for success must not be negotiable.
Let us sight an example, An athlete with a burning desire for success trains day and night, runs in the snow morning and evening(in the polar regions), in the tropics, he trains in harsh weather conditions for years, just for a series of Olympic events that would last less than an hour(or, does Hussain Bolt run over an hour in an Olympic finals?).
This athlete has denied himself plenty of luxury and pleasure just for this, so he can run and win an Olympic gold, at least a bronze.
An athlete with a burning desire for success trains day and night, runs in the snow morning and evening(in the polar regions), in the tropics, he trains in harsh weather conditions for years, just for a series of Olympic events that would last less than an hour(or, does Hussain Bolt run over an hour in an Olympic finals?).
This athlete has denied himself plenty of luxury and pleasure just for this, so he can run and win an Olympic gold, at least a bronze.
Napoleon Hill, in his all-time classic, “Think and Grow Rich” took one whole chapter to discuss how a burning desire for success can propel untold turnaround. He narrated how his son who was born neither with ears, nor any opening in his skull to connect any hearing aid or device to the brain, was made to hear through his desire-for hearing.
“The doctors had no explanation to my sons hearing, but I believed and passed my belief to him” he submitted. “They were white lies, but I made him believe because I do” Napoleon Hill asserted.
To succeed in any endeavor, you must possess in you the desire, and not just a wavering, but a strong burning desire, and back it by faith.
Without faith, (The belief that you will have what you are more or less, toiling for,) your desire is in vain. Faith is the belief that you are not wasting your time, the belief that sooner or later, your desire will be delivered to you.

A quintessential of one who had a burning desire for success and backed it by and with faith is Edward C. Barnes. One of the greatest business partners of the great Thomas A. Edison. Thomas Edison as we know was a phenomenal inventor and business man, one certain Barnes wanted to be his business associate, not knowing Edison in person, having never met him before, Barnes had no financial power to travel to meet with Edison, he went to Orange, N.J on a freight train, and started working in Edison’s factory as a menial worker, for about 5 years, waiting for his chance – his opportunity to arrive, and when Edison invented the dictating machine, later called the EdiPhone), not one of Edisons’ usual salesmen would help in marketing it, then Barnes saw and seized the opportunity. He later made millions of dollars from that partnership, he walked to wealth because of a desire he had, and a backing-the faith he had.
The above might not be a comprehensive story of all what happened, but in it lies the message of the ability of a burning desire for success, a quest
He had a desire, backed it by and with faith, five years had passed, and then his opportunity came.

Over to you

How much of desire do you have, how much of faith have you been exhibiting? Do you have faith at all, are you that desirous of your success or that venture? Lets hear from you in the comment area.

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