New Style? Internet Boils As Man Is Seen Burying Face In His Fiancee’s Bum For Pre-wedding Photo - Guruscabinet : Full of Gist

Sunday, 13 August 2017

New Style? Internet Boils As Man Is Seen Burying Face In His Fiancee’s Bum For Pre-wedding Photo


A photo making the rounds on social media has shown a man who buried his face in his girlfriend’s bum for their pre-wedding shoot.
This is the photo that has caused quite a stir on social media recently.
The photo shows a man and his woman obviously posing for their pre-wedding photoshoot on a beach.
While most men would pose in a standing position with their women or carry the ladies in their arms, or even grab their bums from behind, this particular has chosen a totally different path as he is seen burying his face in his fiance’s bum.
The photo was posted on Facebook by one Chukwudi Iwuchukwu who was obviousky not very pleased with the photo.
Below is how he captioned the image on his Facebook page:
The photo has since caught the attention of many people on Facebook who took some time to make comments on Chukwudi Iwuchukwu’s page.
Below are some of their comments:

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