HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE EASILY - Guruscabinet : Full of Gist

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Friday, 3 February 2017


.... How to Make Easy Money Online

As an internet entrepreneur, most times, people who have not done any business online would ask me how to make easy money online, and I think this will be a very good answer to that or those questions. Also my passion and calling to raise entrepreneurs compels me to write posts such as this. I will make it as simple as possible to show it is as simple as it actually is, because many writers make the explanation of this thing look complex.
When it comes to making easy money on the web, it cannot get easier than it is now (I hope it gets though), I mean it’s easy when done correctly, and when it is just what you are passionate about you do.
There are a number of ways to earn online, and in this post I will point out some of them, and in subsequent posts, I will touch and explain more.
Before you choose something to venture into, make sure it is what you love doing, so you can do it well and make a mark in it. This has been the secret of many people who have achieved one level of success or the other, in making money online. On the contrary, many people who because of one reason or the other find themselves doing what they don’t enjoy doing usually fail along the line or give up when success doesn’t seem close.

Few things you need before you think of how to make money from home

Before you consider working from home, you must have a few things in place, these include but not limited to the following:
• A computer-Sometimes you can use your smartphone in the place of this, you can also use a public computer or a cyber café in some cases. So the absence of this must not stop you,
• A smart phone-Not having this shouldn’t deter you either, but then, either this or a computer is compulsory,
• Little time to spare daily- some tasks require more time than the others, so be prepared.
• Passion-This will help you do better than you did yesterday, that’s what people call improvement,
• Focus– this will give you direction, to the promise land.
Having listed some necessities for successful money making online, I will now go ahead to list some of the things you can do online to make money.
Some of them require certain level of knowledge, although you do not need to enroll in any school to be acquainted with the required skill and knowledge, you might carry out some search on the web for tutorials, get mentors to put you through (I can help), or join several groups on facebook and other social sites for knowledge.

How to make easy money online from home

1. Start a blog

Yes, it’s no news, blogging pays, it makes people rich, and I’m a testimony(I might not be as rich as you think anyway). Blogging pay my bills, and helps many bloggers live large. You can get the necessary skill required to start a blog by simply searching google. I started that way, and many pro bloggers too. If you don’t have time enough for trial and error, you can hire people(like me) to set it up for you, or teach you how to set it up. Also there are many guys like me out there who will teach you how to monetize your site.
Blogs are very easy to manage and if you get the right information and sincere tutor, you’ll make a fortune from it, while keeping your day job.(Yes, you really don’t have to quit your job), but many people like me take it up professionally, that means I don’t do any other thing during the day, but start my PC and start making money doing the things I love, like writing and reading other blogs.

2. Affiliates

Affiliates simply means selling products for the owners or companies and getting a commission for it. You get some products(you’re given a link), promote the link and when anybody buys through the link, you get a certain commission, and when you make certain amount of sales or reach certain sum in your account, you get paid. Affiliate marketing has come a long way and it’s a major way for some people to earn. You can promote links almost everywhere, through emails, facebook posts, twitter tweets, placement on your blog etc. There are numerous affiliates programs online, Jumia is a good example. Amazon, Konga(in Nigeria) too are examples. Your job is to look for a good and trusted affiliate brand to join.

3. Sell online

You can connect buyers and sellers and get paid. You can and should be creative when making money from home is involved. It all lies in how creative you are. There are platforms that are professionally setup to do this, including AliBaba, Aliexpress, Amazon, and in Africa, Olx, Jiji, Jumia, Konga etc. You can start it up even without a site, using facebook where all the buyers are is a great advantage.

4. Do freelance Jobs

Can you write? Can you design(as in, Graphic design) singing, and thousand other things, then you should look for people who need your services. A very good site to use is fiverr, this is a place where people in search of a service(s) go to look for those who can offer the particular service. There are fiverr Videos on the web which will teach you how to earn thousands of dollars from it.
This is not only possible on fiverr, you can start using your various social media profiles for advertising your skills.

5. Offer Professional consultancy services

If you are a banker for instance, you can create a simple site where all of your skills are highlighted and welcome consultancy offers for firms and individuals who cannot include bankers or accountants on their steady pay roll. You can audit accounts, render professional advice, life, fitness, relationship coaching etc
There are many other ways to make money online, it only requires you to be creative and think up a beautiful idea. I make money online and I know it works, It can and must work for you too if you get a coach who will be sincere enough to give you all the necessary and required information.
Over to you, what do you think of the above methods and ideas? Do you believe in making money online? Have you ever made money online? If I’m to mentor you on blogging for free, which will you go into blogging? Use the comment area below to share your thoughts
Culled from

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