[A Must Read] 10 Things Ladies Do When They Visit A Guy They Don’t Want To Have Séx With - Guruscabinet : Full of Gist

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Monday 27 March 2017

[A Must Read] 10 Things Ladies Do When They Visit A Guy They Don’t Want To Have Séx With


There is a reaction to every action; most ladies are naturally cautious and it would be a lie to think most of them do not think or assume men would want to sleep with them the very first time they visit them.
As a result of this, women also devise methods that would protect them as much as possible so the guys would not sleep with them on the first date. Having s*x may be inevitable in that relationship at the long run, but women are able to prolong the abstinence for as long as possible when they do take certain steps.
Find below some of the things ladies do when they do not want a guy to sleep with them anytime they go visit them:
10. Keeping The Door Opened
Ladies sometimes are on the defensive side and ask men to open the door to their rooms so everyone could see what is happening in the room.
To an extent, ladies feel comfortable this way as they know it is near impossible for the guys to attempt being funny or try to have sex with them with the door wide opened.
9. Wearing Tight Clothes
Another thing ladies do when they go visit men in their houses is to wear tight clothes that have restrictions. It would be pretty difficult getting them out of the cloth and it would give them enough time to allow sanity creep back in peradventure they got carried away.
8. Red Flag Shows Up (Menstruation)
Ladies know that men do not like hearing the fact that the red flag is on. Most men would be irritated seeing the blood bank of the girls when they want to sleep with them.
It is a natural turn off for men so ladies use it as a weapon and say they are on. Some even go on to wear pads just to prove it is real.
7. They Would Have A Friend With Them
Ladies do not like visiting men for the first time alone. They would rather go with one or two friends that would help them break the tension that could be around the place.
Having one or two other girls in the room apart from the main girl visiting would spoil the show for the men. Ladies can be sure nothing would happen then.
6. They Avoid Sitting On The Bed
Many ladies avoid sitting on the bed when they visit men as they feel they are falling into a trap.
The bed makes them more cautious and to avoid being tempted or lured into doing something they do not want to do at that moment, they would rather sit on the chair.
5. They Receive Calls At Intervals
When ladies feel like they have stayed long enough in a place, they start to receive calls that would make the guys feel they need to be on their way. Some even become apologetic on the phone to make the guy feel they have to go somewhere immediately.
In some cases, girls put their friends up to this and make them call them at intervals just to prevent the guy from launching his sex idea on them.
4. They Focus On Something
Another thing ladies do when visiting guys in their houses is to concentrate on doing a particular thing. Some place all their attention on books while some watch movies and do not give the guys the time to want to get personal with them.’
3. List Of House Chores
Ladies avoid having séx with men they visit by coming up with the excuse of leaving for their own house.
Usually, the guy would try to persuade them and they would come up with the annoying list of things they need to do at home before their parents or guardians get back.
2. Stories That Touch The Heart
Sometimes, ladies cook up all sorts of stories that would make men pity them; they talk about how they have suffered one or two forms of abuse in their previous relationships. They act traumatized and this would naturally throw the men off balance.
It would after all be inappropriate for the guys to want to try anything funny after they have heard their heart touching tales.
1. They Act Edgy
Sometimes, ladies deliberately put up an edgy front when they visit men in their houses. They act uncomfortable and would be cold towards the guy till they leave. Men sense their defense and aloofness and would rather leave them alone till they adjust.
What other excuses do you think ladies comes up with when they visit a guy but don’t want to have S*x with him.
Drop your comments.


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