SO DARING! Ladies Can You Rock This African Attire Fused With A Western Touch (Photos) - Guruscabinet : Full of Gist

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Thursday, 16 March 2017

SO DARING! Ladies Can You Rock This African Attire Fused With A Western Touch (Photos)


The modern day culture in Africa is evolving because of Western influence.

However, African values are still valid and infusion of both cultures when done properly shape the best sets of individuals. Western culture is very liberal and gives room for a lot of expression but a lot of age-long tested and trusted beliefs still hold sway amongst Africans.

Audaciously free represents the best of both worlds; being cultured and in touch with your African roots whilst being tolerant of other people’s views and opinions, as a citizen of the world.

The El’Vee twins were inspired by their experiences to create this collection.

The Long Shirt was combined with the Gele worn by Yoruba and Igbos, the Jumpsuit combined with Bini Coral Beads and the Dungarees worn with Fulani beads and accessories.


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